Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I love to chew on my cold teething toy! It really helps my gums feel better. My mommy says that I am "teething," and that she can see 2 little teeth on my bottom gums, getting ready to come out! Boy, does it hurt! I have been a little fusier than usual and just not feeling like myself. I wish those teeth would hurry up!
I love solid food! So far, everything that I've tried is so yummy! Mommy has given me sweet potatoes, butternut squash & green peas. She has also mixed the veggies with cereal & that is yummy too. Mommy said that she is going to wait a little longer before I can have fruit. I can't wait!
I am sitting on the couch like a big boy!
Mommy & Daddy say they love my long eyelashes!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Michael, you look pretty happy, even despite the teething! You are way ahead of your friend Casen in the teething area...He didn't have a tooth at all until 15 months, and now, at nearly 20 months, he only has four! When your mom gets ready to give you real food, those teeth are handy!