Saturday, June 1, 2013

Michael's Last Day of Kindergarten

There was a YouTube video going around Facebook for a while called, "The Gift of An Ordinary Day."- a really sweet reminder about soaking in the normal moments with your kids, not just special events. One "normal" thing this year has been walking M to the bus stop every morning. On the pretty days he loved riding his scooter.  I have loved doing this each morning with my boy.
So on the last day of Kindergarten I took my camera along, to capture what M looked like - age 6, on scooter, getting on the bus.

Last Day of Preschool/MDO

Love these shots I got of K & D on their last day of Preschool & MDO. They had a great year! We love our school & Kate is SO excited about Pre-K next year...on the way home that day she told me, "Mommy! I'm in Pre-K now! And after Pre-K I'll be in Kindergarten! When we get home can I FaceTime with Mommom?" Love her. She is growing up too fast. 

Kate's awesome preschool teachers, Ms. Maggie & Ms. Aubrey - Kate loved them :)