Good News! Today I had a dr appt with a Pediatric Endocrinologist ~ a doctor who specializes in the growth of children/hormones/etc. Since I am a little smaller than most 1 year olds, my pediatrician wanted me to go. The good news is that I am healthy and my size is great! The doctor said that I am growing just right and will probably be smaller than my peers for a while. The average boy stops growing at age 17, but I will still be growing and will catch up with my peers later on. Today I weighed 17 lbs, 2 oz. Just 4 weeks ago at my 12 month appt I weighed 16 lbs, 6 oz.
Yea! That whole milk is yummy and helping me grow! :)
alright, not cool. so you make a blog site and didn't even let me know! awesome pictures. I'll try to give you (andy) a call soon. by the way, savannah just had her 18 month check up and finally made it to 20 pounds! we grow em small and petite huh?
Welcome to our family blog! My name Is Alisa - I am married to Andy & Mommy to Michael, Kate & David. This blog has become a family "scrapbook" of our life. I also invite you to visit my art website - & my encouragement blog for moms - --
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"She Is Clothed With Strength & Dignity. She Can Laugh At The Days To Come." Proverbs 31:25
he is just petite right now . . .just like his mommy! cute pictures.
That is good news! Yea!
alright, not cool. so you make a blog site and didn't even let me know! awesome pictures. I'll try to give you (andy) a call soon. by the way, savannah just had her 18 month check up and finally made it to 20 pounds! we grow em small and petite huh?
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