Friday, November 2, 2007

I am 9 months old! November 2, 2007

This is me in the hospital when I was just 2 days old! I've changed a bunch!
I am such a big boy! Some things about me right now: I love to read books & help turn the pages. If the page has a mirror on it, I love to press my face to the mirror:) I also love to sit & roll the soccer ball back & forth to Mommy or Daddy.
Mommy has started doing baby sign language with me. She is trying to teach me "all done" & "more." Mommy & Daddy also look at me while saying mama & dada all the time - I don't know what that is all about. I just look at them & smile. Are they wanting me to say those words? Today Mommy, Daree, Molly & me were at the Olive Garden for lunch. I decided it would be fun to entertain them, so I started making fish faces & funny sounds with my lips! It was really funny & they laughed. :)

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