Saturday, February 23, 2013

David's Ears

Our sweet D-Man has been battling ear infections off & on since October. Mostly on. I think our pediatrician gave us a little extra time before sending us to the ENT, because of M's heart. So on Feb 7th we took D to the ENT & we scheduled tubes for the 11th. Andy & David left that morning at 5:30 & were home by 9! We could tell he was our 3rd child & that we recently had M's open heart surgery - I didn't even go with them! It was easier for me to stay home to get M & K ready for school, on the bus, etc. David did great & we can already tell, just 2 weeks later, that he is feeling so much better. Less crying (although he really didn't cry that much) & his nose has cleared up. One really cool thing is he has started to say more words, just since getting tubes. I took him for a follow-up on Friday, and the PA said this is common because the fluid build-up was most likely preventing him from hearing the sounds.  Yay David! 


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